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SGT Solj - Breaking Rust (No sleeping bag :D)
Breaking Rust Episode 20! | The Sleeping Bag and Transfer Box Bug!
Breaking Rust Episode 10! | Two Bugs In One Video! (FIXED)
Breaking Rust Episode 4! | The Building Block Bug! (FIXED)
Breaking Rust Episode 103! | Revisiting Spamming To Get Up!
Breaking Rust Episode 96! | Returning To Bags In Foundations!
Breaking Rust Episode 15! | The Blueprint Hot Bar Bug! (FIXED)
Breaking Rust Episode 1 | The Door Exploit Raid! (FIXED)
Breaking Rust Episode 44! | The Tool Cupboard/Survey Charge Exploit! (FIXED)
Breaking Rust Episode 19! | The Roof House Exploit! (FIXED!)
Breaking Rust Episode 29! | Floating Snap Traps, Hiding Lanterns, And Rotating Stairs!
Breaking Rust Episode 77! | The Guard Tower Exploit!